Sunday, July 20, 2008

Getting to know Ricardo


This is written especially for those people out their who said terrible things about the way my child died. Many of these people say he he was crushed, that they heard him screaming, etc. As you can see from what I am writing, God was good and did not let my child suffer he died instantly and for those of you who read this blog, pass the word around to thos beasts that do not have a heart and came and told us these things to myself and my family.

My son, Ricardo was an employee of Goo Goo Car Wash in Wyoming, Michigan. He boss is a Canadian immigrant, who was blessed by God to have money, unfortunately he did not know that you need to pass your blessings to others.

Ricardo started working at Goo Goo Car Wash in April of 2007, he would work all the hours that he was given, he was good worker and never missed a day and was always ready to help.

Ricardo, graduated in June of 2007 and was looking forward to a career in construction, checking out different schools, he did not want to go far because he had a girlfriend and he did not want to leave her. Eventually after gradaution, his friend Andrew began working with Ricardo at the carwash.

Many times on slow days their boss would only keep one kid working the carwash by themselves, letting them close up by themselves, these were only kids (18 years of age) but when its not your kid, you don't worry.

I was never happy about this situation, but Ricardo was very proud of this situation, he felt like a man because he was trusted with closing up, and who would think of any harm out there for him in a carwash.

Well that harm came, when Ricardo died on August 31, 2007, on a Friday night at the Goo Goo Car Wash, he was alone, since his boss did not want to spend extra money to have two kids working that night, since it was a slow night at the car wash. His boss left at 7:00-7:30 pm and left Ricardo by himself. The carwash closed at 9:00 and he would call me up about 9:15 -9:20 for me to come and get him (he did not know how to drive) and I was waiting at home for his call (which never came). According to the Wyoming Police Report and the MIOSHA report from the video which captured his death he was closing up around 9:15 (he called his boss to say he was closing, we seen that last call on his cell phone) when someone came to complain that the carwash did not clean up their car right, so Ricardo let him in, as the customer is always right. We will never know who this person was (I personally believe it was the devil himself, but whoever it was they will have to live with themselves for the rest of their lives for being a complainer about a stupid spot on their car) but Ricardo let him and he went in behind him and got caught up in the power washers cables and it pulled hiim down where he hit the cement and he died instantly, my baby was dead by 9:20 pm.

I started calling around that time to see about what time he was going to get out of work so that we could cook him his dinner (he was going to have salmon, which he loved) of course he never answered. I started thinking maybe he went to Andrews and just was not answering his phone. I did not start worrying until about 10:00 and I was thinking maybe I should go out their (If I would have gone I would have found my child dead) also his cousin, Davy was calling me telling me that he was calling Ricardo and no one answered.


Finally around 10:20 - 10:30 someone knocked on our door, and it was the Wyoming Police Department. I started thinking Oh, God what happened, I thought maybe they had Ricardo in the police cruiser, but no he asked me where my husband was and I went and got Daniel and thats when they told us that Ricardo was dead. They were very kind to us and stayed with us until my family and friends began to arrive. I give points to the Wyoming Police Department for their training in this area, they were very good to us. It was the most horrible day of my life. I will never forget this, if I live to be 100 years.



Anonymous said...

Hi Rosemary,

I never asked you how Guero died since I didn't want to upset you. I also didn't want to think about it. So I'm glad that you wrote about it so that I -- and others -- do not have to wonder.

Unknown said...

I feel touched very deeply by your story, sympathize with you and understand your feelings about the whole ordeal. Who knows why we and our loved ones have to suffer, why the breath of life has to be taken away even before over loved buds bloom with full splendor? Life is a mistery that defies is not fair to all...Why? What gives me comfort is knowing that life does not end with death, that life was, is and will be for eternity. As Sri Krishna expresses with utter simplicity in The Gita: "Bodies are said to die, but That which possesses the body is eternal. It cannot be limited, or destroyed" He further explains: "Worn-out garments are shed by the body: worn-out bodies are shed by the dweller within the body. New bodies are donned by the dweller, like garments."
I know Ricardo's Real Self, the dweller within his body, is alive and well somewhere in the universe where there is no more pain and suffering, free of worries, free of the prison of the human body, away from the unfairness, unjustice, selfishness and politics of the planet earth.
I pray The Almighty to give you courage, acceptance and peace of mind to bear the loss of your Ricardo. You and your family are in my prayers.